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7 Tips to Prepare for Next Duck Season

duck hunter

Now that duck season is over, does everything stop where it is till next November? Preparing for next season is already on the mind. Here are 7 tips to be prepared for the 2019-2020 season presented by Mack’s Prairie Wings.  

  1. Storing your gear properly is critical to the life and longevity of the product. For waders: storing in a climate controlled space like an inside closet is recommended. Storing in the garage or storage shed where the temperature changes from extreme cold to extreme heat has the potential to dry rot the rubber. Neoprene should be hung by the straps while letting the boots just touch the ground. The breathable waders can be folded and stored in a storage bin as long as they are dry. Some choose to put a conditioner on the boot to soften them back up.
  2. Protect your gear from rodents and insects by packing everything in storage containers. 
  3. Clean those guns.
  4. Never too early to start practicing your calling techniques.
  5. Practice shooting.
  6. Take those blinds down and store them in a shop or cover them up
  7. Prepare your land and hunting area by draining water out of timber, etc. and plan your early fall planting of vegetation and food areas. The more work you put in the more attractive your hunting spot will be when they fly your way.

For more GameKeeper tips, read these 7 tips for weed free food plots. A weed-free food plot tucked into the woods somewhere is a beautiful sight. So how do you keep those pesky weeds out of your favorite spot?

To see how Toxey Haas, Mossy Oak founder, gets ready for ducks throughout the year, watch Duck Dreams from Capture Productions on Mossy Oak GO.

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