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Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
No matter where you hunt, we’ve got a camouflage pattern for your obsession. Based on your obsession, the following patterns are recommended.
Country Roots
Backed by 35+ years of leading camouflage design, Country Roots combines tried and true concealment with a recognizable connection to our own roots, and hunting's most iconic camo pattern, Mossy Oak Bottomland, with a modern take on realistic stick and limb effectiveness for a truly versatile pattern designed to blend in anywhere.
Country DNA
Country DNA features the most photo-realistic elements in the history of camo design, combined with a subtle connection to our original Bottomland pattern, the very roots of Mossy Oak.
Mossy Oak Bottomland
Bottomland is the pattern that launched Mossy Oak. Toxey Haas’ desire to get closer to turkeys in his home state of Mississippi led to a pattern that’s still incredibly effective 30 years later.
Original Shadowgrass
From Orvis, Browning and Filson to Drake, Chene and Gunner, Shadow Grass has been printed alongside some of the most iconic names in waterfowl. As the seasons roll on, this product legacy continues in duck camps, fields and flyways across the continent.
Shadow Grass Habitat
Shadow Grass Habitat is not a pattern; it’s a way of life. It’s about focusing on giving back more than we take. It’s about conserving a resource and caring for the future. It’s about making sure your camo means so much more than simply effectiveness.
Elements Terra
Using the absolute leading edge three-dimensional modeling technology, we can literally recreate the unique topographical features of the earth to generate the most unique camo design ever introduced.
Mossy Oak Break-Up Country
We built the pattern featuring a variety of elements found throughout North America. The elements are true to nature’s size and provide the perfect amount of depth and shadowing.
Mossy Oak Elements Agua
Mossy Oak Elements Agua, the pattern for fishing and water sports, is now the official camouflage pattern of B.A.S.S. and Major League Fishing.
Mossy Oak Obsession
Obsession was developed for turkey hunters to provide both concealment for the hunt and support for the resource through partnership with the NWTF.
Mossy Oak Shadow Grass Blades
Shadow Grass Blades features a precise arrangement of individual blades of grass onto a background of thatch consisting of lesser or dead grass, to create the perfect pure grass pattern.
Mossy Oak Break-Up
We revamped our most popular pattern using the latest in digital imagery and printing technology. Break-Up is effective in various hunting situations from flooded timber to deep woods deer hunting.
Mossy Oak Shadow Branch
Launched in 1997, Shadow Branch is a minimal foliage pattern to keep hunters hidden in the woods late in the season. Shadow Branch is a great option for elevated and ground hunting scenarios.
Mossy Oak Break-Up Infinity
Depth. Detail. Definition. Break-Up Infinity redefines camo by being the first pattern to introduce 6 individual layers of depth.
Mossy Oak Duck Blind
Concealment From a Bird's Eye View. With its unique blend of camouflage elements, Duck Blind is easily the most diverse waterfowl pattern available.
Mossy Oak Mountain Country
Utilizing the latest in image technology to capture some of the most beautiful landscapes of the Rocky Mountains, Mossy Oak Mountain Country is a pattern that is 100-percent true to nature.
Mossy Oak Treestand
Elevate Your Game. Designed specifically for hardcore whitetail hunters who hunt from an elevated position.
Mossy Oak Break-Up Eclipse
The first ever camo designed to be worn inside a ground blind, new Mossy Oak Eclipse uses hard shadowing and unique cutout elements to erase your outline and deliver optimal in-blind concealment.
Mossy Oak Break-Up in Pink
Break-Up Pink incorporates the limbs from Break-Up laid over a background of solid pink. Designed to give female hunters a safety pattern or to add color to a variety of outdoors-related products.
Mossy Oak Blaze
Mossy Oak Blaze stands out from other orange patterns by using the natural colors and elements in Break-Up overlaid onto a blaze orange background, creating the most effective blaze pattern ever.
Mossy Oak Winter
Made specifically for hunters in the winter woods, we paired the same natural colors and digitally enhanced elements in Break-Up with a natural snow base for the ultimate snow pattern.
Mossy Oak Bottomland in Pink
Bottomland Pink serves as a color alternative to the earth-toned Bottomland pattern for added appeal to novelty camouflaged items, making camo more than what you hunt.
Mossy Oak Brush
Sometimes not seeing is believing. Designed specifically with the western big game hunter in mind, Brush features elements from all over the West to keep you concealed in the open.
Mossy Oak Winter Brush
Made specifically for hunters in the winter woods, we paired the same natural colors and digitally enhanced elements in Break-Up with a natural snow base for the ultimate snow pattern.