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Trail Camera Quick Tips


Some quick trail camera tips to ensure better pictures are simple things like facing the camera north, using high-quality batteries and memory cards and researching before buying.

If your trail camera is facing east or west, the sun can cause the pictures to be washed out or create false triggers. So be sure your camera is facing north with a clear background.

The last thing you want is cheap batteries exploding in your high-dollar trail camera, so buy the good kind. With cheaper memory cards, often the pictures don’t write onto the card very well. For higher quality photos, the better the card the faster it writes. 

It’s always good to check out trail camera reviews to get the best camera for your needs and know which ones take the best photos. Some have great features like smartphone capabilities that allow you to view the photos from your phone. If you’re far from your hunting location and can’t check the camera as you’d like, this is a great feature.

For more trail camera tips, check out Trail Cam Location Strategies: Monitoring Your Bucks and How To Use A Trail Camera for Quality Deer Pictures.

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