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Reason for the Season


Most of us have at least a couple weeks or more of deer season left to hunt this year and many of us have filled our freezer and more by this time of year. If you live in the southern states you are gearing up for the rut and ready for a shot at the bucks you have protected all year. Guys and gals in the north and Midwest who haven’t filled their tag yet are hunting those food sources and waiting for those mature bucks to grow weary of the rut and return to a more predictable feeding schedule.

Sharing Is Caring

Take the time this year to take a kid or an adult that may not have an opportunity or the resources to get out and enjoy God’s creation. A positive impact can be made on so many people by taking them out and showing them all the different ways we work and enjoy the land. Simple management chores on the farm can be a great way to spend time with kids and teach them things they don’t get from a classroom.

Planting trees, working on farm equipment, building duck boxes, are just a few of the hundreds of things we need to make sure we are passing on to not just our kids, but any others who show interest.

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