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Mossy Oak Celebrates Big IBO Win by Prostaffer Bill Epeards

Bill Epeards is a great friend of Mossy Oak; in fact, he’s been a part of the Pro Staff since about 1988 when Quaker Boy’s Dick Kirby gave him a call and asked him to try out the new up-and-coming camouflage: Mossy Oak. He did, and he was hooked, especially as an avid bowhunter and turkey hunter.

Epeards joined Cuz, Toxey, Bill Sugg, and more around the country in Mossy Oak’s TV Show Hunting the Country, where they chased whitetails, big game, turkeys, and more across the many different terrains found in America. Epeards even traveled to Newfoundland with Cuz Strickland as his cameraman many moons ago, where he killed a moose, a woodland caribou, and a black bear. (Watch the video here)

bill epeards and cuz

Bill Epeards on a hunt many moons ago with Cuz Strickland.

He says, “They’re a big part of my life, Mossy Oak is. I really cherish those guys. I’m blessed to really truly call them my friends.”

Currently, Epeards serves as the Marketing Director for IBO, the International Bowhunting Organization. IBO is an organization dedicated to growing the sport of bowhunting and getting young people involved in archery.

The organization also puts on several 3D archery competitions around the country every year. These 3D shoots attract a large number of competitors—in fact, at the recent world championship, there were over 2,000 shooters. And they’re all hunters, Epeards says.

Epeards’ storied career as a bowhunter has created in him an incredible marksman and judge of distance. He alone has won 7 national championships with IBO and 1 world championship. His recent win marks the final feather in his cap for IBO national championship categories. The field category was the only one he had yet to win; this year, he achieved his goal. The win was especially fulfilling since last year he was unable to compete due to a shoulder injury.

Epeards served as a policeman for over 30 years, he has over 170 animals mounted at his house, all taken with a bow and arrow, and he’s completed several turkey grand slams and world slams.

To say Bill Epeards is one of the country’s greatest bowhunters is almost an understatement; he’s truly talented, devoted, and passionate about wildlife. Mossy Oak congratulates him on his recent national championship and his incredible career as a hunter.

bill pearls

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