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How Long Should Dogs Eat Puppy Food?

At Mossy Oak GameKeeper Kennels, we start our puppies on high-grade puppy food. If we keep a puppy, we switch from puppy food to high-grade adult dog food after three months. We make the switch to adult dog food gradually. We feed our hunting dogs in the evening.

Adult dog food is not as rich as the puppy food. With the puppy food, you get rapid bone growth. We believe that by switching to adult dog food at three months, we slow the bone growth down and we have less chance of hip and elbow dysplasia.

When you switch from puppy food to adult food, the puppy's system is geared to process the puppy food. An abrupt switch can mess the digestive system up, creating loose stools. We recommend staring at 10 percent adult dog food and 90 percent puppy food. Do that for a couple of days. If the puppy is handling it well, switch to 20 percent adult and 80 percent puppy food. Gradually add adult food until the puppy is fully transitioned from puppy food to adult food.

At Mossy Oak, our four-legged friends work, play and live outdoors with us. One of the most important decisions we will ever make is the food that we feed them. Nature's Menu provides natural wholesome energy and complete nutrition that active dogs need with a flavor that they absolutely love. Do your best friend a favor and pick up a bag at your local Dollar General, they'll let you know just how good it is.

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