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Silence Is Deadly


If there were a whitetail bedded within 100 yards of your treestand could you approach and climb the stand without alerting the animals? How about 50 yards, or maybe less? Don’t wait until a week before hunting season to think about these details. Now is the time to act and there are two important things you can do - one, plant screening cover to conceal your approach. There’s still time to plant 2013.6.18bBioLogic’s Blind Spot. The tall grasses it produces will conceal your approach and your ambush location.

Another good idea is to maintain your trails to your ambush locations. Whether you use a bush-hog for larger trails or a weed-whacker for foot-paths, keep the trails free of dried foliage, twigs or anything that will make noise when you approach. After the chlorophyll drops out of the plants there are some hunters who will actually rake the dried leaves off of their approach trails, especially off of the last 50 to 100 yards nearest their location. If you do this correctly you should be able to approach your ambush site from downwind and get very close to bedded whitetails. For that matter, it will also help you exit your site without alerting the rest of the herd.

Be sneaky.

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