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Enhance Your Food Plots


Yes, the food plot craze is here. Land managers across the country rely on food plots to attract and hold animals on their properties. In addition, they want these food plots to provide valuable nutrition for the wildlife that utilizes them. Boost your plots wildlife appeal and nutritional value by planting a few mast producing trees in or on the edge of your plots. 

EnhancePlots_llWhy? Simply put, mast producing trees like Bartlett Pears and Gala Apples are like filet mignon to animals like whitetail deer. Planting Nativ Nurseries Rapid Mast seedlings or grafted trees just inside the timber off a food plot favorite like LabLab, BioMass or DEER-Radish turns the area into a buffet for whitetail deer. Plus, planting mast producing trees off the food plot just inside the timber is a great way to arrow one of those monsters that won’t step foot into an open plot until darkness covers the land.

Both the Rapid Mast and grafted trees are precocious, meaning they will yield fruit at a very young age. Also pleasing to land mangers is the fact that all Rapid Mast trees are wild fruiting varieties, meaning they require very little maintenance. The grafted trees, while requiring a little more tender loving care, produce those plump grocery-store style fruits that will be a great source of food for your wildlife.

To provide the wildlife on your land the very best in wildlife forages, visit We understand why you land and critters are important to you and you can trust Biologic to provide the highest quality, scientifically proven wildlife products available.

Find the best selection of plants for creating and restoring wildlife habitat at Our plant species are hand selected and hand grown with special attention to be sure we provide you with the absolute best Mother Nature has to offer.

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