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How To Pick Out A Puppy | Mossy Oak Kennels

When it comes to picking out a puppy, the first thing to decide is which breed you want. Do some research on the breed or breeds you are interested in to make sure it will fit your lifestyle and to understand any health issues or temperament that particular breed has. Once you’ve made your breed decision and when you choose a puppy from a litter, watch the litter as a whole and determine which puppies demonstrate traits that are desirable, especially for hunting puppies. What to look for: Does the puppy come to you? Obviously, you want a puppy that is friendly. What is the puppy’s tail position? Too high indicates dominance and too low indicates submissiveness. Both traits make for a puppy that is hard to train. Pick a pup that licks its lips, because this trait indicates a puppy that is easier to train. Friendliness, straight out tail position and lip licking are what to look for when buying a puppy, especially one you wish to train as a hunting dog.

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